Double Ended Shear Beam Loadcell


Double Ended Shear Beam Loadcell
Double Ended Shear Beam Loadcell

Double Ended Shear Beam Loadcell

Standard Capacities:(Lbs.)20K, 30K, 40K, 50K, 60K, 65K, 75K, 100K, 150K, 200K
Excitation Voltage:10VDC - Maximum 15VDC
Rated Output:3.0 mv/v ± 0.10%
Non-Linearity:< 0.03% FSO (Full Scale Output))
Hysteresis:< 0.02% FSO
Non-Repeatability:< 0.01% FSO
Zero Balance:± 1.0% FSO
Bridge Resistance:700 ohms ±7.0 ohms
Safe Overload:150% of Rated Capacity
Side Load Discrimination:500:1
  • Compensated Range:

  • Effect Of Output:

  • Effect On Zero:

  • 0 - 150 deg. F

  • A< 0.0008% FSO/deg. F

  • < 0.0011% FSO/deg. F

Finish :Nickel/Chrome Plated