our services
Civil & Construction Services
We stand for quality, safety and credibility, so you could be sure about our work.
Foundation Construction
Our Civil Department has installed hundreds of foundation ranging from Full Pit, Semi Pit & Pitless (Above Ground) foundation, industrial scale pits inside factories. For clients that do their own Civil Works, We Provide On-Site Supervision & Inspection BEFORE Concrete Pouring of Footings, Ramps, Bottom Slabs, Concrete Deck rebars and etc. to ensure proper quality & levelation..
Scale Structural Steel Installation
We will deliver your Standard or Custom Fabricated Structural Steel at site fully welded by our experienced NC2 welders that have been trained to inspect, assess and ensure professional installation of your new LOADMASTER Truckscale.
Whether its Pit-Type, Semi Pit or Above Ground we carefully examine all aspects to achieve ultimate Zero Levelation that’s essential to a Scale’s accuracy.
Structural Steel, Concrete & Steel Deck Repairs
Severely weathered Scales that are more than a decade old; previously exposed to highly acidic and corrosive elements (Acids, Garbage /Waste, Saltwater), extreme natural conditions, high volume 24/7 usage, will start showing heavy signs of wear and tear over the years that will eventually require rehabilitation or can be easily replaced. Factors such as of Deteriorated Main Beams, Cross Sections, Deck, Baseplates, LC Assembly will potentially affect a scale’s accuracy.
Convertion of Existing Scales
Have an existing Truck Scale? Not a Problem! Every year we welcome many clients that have their Weighbridges CONVERTED to Loadmaster. We also convert Old Mechanical and Electromechanical or Full Electronic.
Call us for a FREE ASSESMENT! We will measure and recommend installing the proper components for a successful conversion. WE GUARANTEE and assure that your scales will be functional, accurate & serviced.
Foundation Construction
Our Civil Department has installed hundreds of foundation ranging from Full Pit, Semi Pit & Pitless (Above Ground) foundation, industrial scale pits inside factories. For clients that do their own Civil Works, We Provide On-Site Supervision & Inspection BEFORE Concrete Pouring of Footings, Ramps, Bottom Slabs, Concrete Deck rebars and etc. to ensure proper quality & levelation..
Scale Structural Steel Installation
We will deliver your Standard or Custom Fabricated Structural Steel at site fully welded by our experienced NC2 welders that have been trained to inspect, assess and ensure professional installation of your new LOADMASTER Truckscale.
Whether its Pit-Type, Semi Pit or Above Ground we carefully examine all aspects to achieve ultimate Zero Levelation that’s essential to a Scale’s accuracy.
Structural Steel, Concrete & Steel Deck Repairs
Severely weathered Scales that are more than a decade old; previously exposed to highly acidic and corrosive elements (Acids, Garbage /Waste, Saltwater), extreme natural conditions, high volume 24/7 usage, will start showing heavy signs of wear and tear over the years that will eventually require rehabilitation or can be easily replaced. Factors such as of Deteriorated Main Beams, Cross Sections, Deck, Baseplates, LC Assembly will potentially affect a scale’s accuracy.
Convertion of Existing Scales
Have an existing Truck Scale? Not a Problem! Every year we welcome many clients that have their Weighbridges CONVERTED to Loadmaster. We also convert Old Mechanical and Electromechanical or Full Electronic.
Call us for a FREE ASSESMENT! We will measure and recommend installing the proper components for a successful conversion. WE GUARANTEE and assure that your scales will be functional, accurate & serviced.
Precision Weighing, Trusted Since 1990

Technician Expert
Our Technicians and Test Weights are TESTED and CERTIFIED Annually by the National Metrology Laboratory (NML) of the Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI), one of the agencies of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). (DOST is the executive department of the Philippine Government responsible for the coordination of science and technology-related projects in the Philippines and for the formulation of policies and projects in the fields of science and technology in support of national development.)